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Nice game! It's a well-made Persona/SMT-like, and the combat felt just as tense and satisfying. Music is awesome, and the low-fi graphics do a good job creating a creepy atmosphere.

I didn't use the sacrifice mechanic because it never felt like it was worth it. I tried it for a bit, but the combat felt much harder having one less party member even if it let me buff one of them. Also, the times a character ended up dying it didn't feel like a "choice" on my part, but instead it felt like I just failed and I was compelled to reload and try again. There might be some potential in that concept, but maybe the rewards should be/feel more impactful.

Things did get a bit tedious at times because the encounter rate felt high in some places even with really weak enemies. It took all of my will power to not quit the game once I reached the R'yleh floors (even with the Escape skill), which were unnecessarily huge with a ton of time-wasting branching paths and gimmicks. I think the game overall could benefit from much smaller and simpler floors. Even when a dead end has a treasure chest, it didn't feel worth the time lost because I rarely needed to use items (except for revival/healing items during the final boss battle)

Some issues I encountered:

  • Random crashes every now and then after a battle with this error: "Script 'LE - PTBVisuals' line 133: RGSSError occurred. disposed sprite".
  • The boss room in Madness floor 5 has a fake wall that lets you leave the map. I thought it was a secret area, but after exploring for like 20 min I was disappointed to see it was just a glitch... plus I leveled up a ton but it crashed with the above error before I could save :(

But don't get me wrong, I loved the game! I enjoyed my time with it even though there were some frustrating parts. Good job!

fun game

Doesn't work. Always crashes, Visual c++ crash (engine), no title even. IDK, broken.

Could you send an image of the exact error?

I did a fresh install to double check and I couldn't get it to occur